Golden Bay Community Health
AGED residential care
community hospital
Holidays Act Remediation
Holidays Act Important Information
You may have heard that many organisations have been required to review their payroll system to ensure they meet the calculation requirements outlined within the Holidays Act legislation. Nelson Bays Primary Health (NBPH) including Golden Bay Community Health (GBCH), is one of many organisations impacted. We have fixed the issue in our payroll system and now wish to ensure that any impacted employees due payments, are paid.
NBPH has completed a thorough audit and reviewed the payroll systems and procedures in relation to the Holidays Act 2003. This review has showed that some leave payment calculations made 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2022 in our payroll system required resolution.
It has been identified that if you worked for NBPH, including GBCH, from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2022 you may be entitled to a leave remediation payment. The issues identified were corrected and pay related calculations have been fully compliant since 30 June 2022.
Please visit the Nelson Bays Primary Health website for the full information:
Feedback or complaints
For any positive comments, complaints for feedback please email