Thank you for considering Golden Bay Community Health to provide respite care for your family member.

Respite care is funded care which aims to provide an opportunity for caregivers to have a break while ensuring your family member is being cared for.

Nāu te rourou  -  with your support

Nāku te rourou  - and our support

Ka ora te whānau  - whanau will thrive


Respite care needs to be approved by Needs Assessment Service and usually there is an annual allocation of funded days.  You do not have to use the allocated days, but they are available to you as necessary.  If you require more days, you need to discuss this with the Needs Assessment Service Coordinator. 

During a respite stay, our skilled team will reassess your family member's needs, adjust medications when applicable, and offer the kind of hollistic care that is difficult for families to provide at home. Our aim is to keep your family member safe and comfortable during their stay with us.  

We will ask you to provide us with as much information as possible to enable us to ease the transition for your family member.  If there are any personal objects which are important such as a favorite blanket or family photos please bring them with you.

Your are welcome to visit or contact us at any time, during your family members stay.

For more information, please contact us on (03) 525 0100